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Undeb Credyd y Barcud Coch Cyfyngedig, trading as Red Kite Credit Union (RKCU) is a credit union Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, similarly to high street banks and building societies and many other types of financial services companies.

Each credit union is a separate company and a separate member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) that protects members' savings up to the current limit of the scheme, £85,000 at March 2017.

If you live in or have a place of employment in Powys, you are eligible to join Red Kite Credit Union. Full membership is available to any person 16 years and over. A Young Savers Club is available for younger persons.

The Builth office of Red Kite Credit Union has moved. Click here for new location in the Groe Car Park, Bulth Wells


Closure of West Wales Credit Union

This does not in any way affect members of Red Kite Credit Union.
Savings in Red Kite Credit Union are safe. Click for further information

New arrangements at Herb Garden Community Café

The Herb Garden Café is under new management as a Community Benefit Organisation.
The credit union service point is open for payments on Wednesday and Thursday 10.30 to 11.30. Application forms and other information is available when the cafe is open. Click for further information

Young Savers Club at Trefonnen School

Hadau Onnen — Trefonnen Piggy Savers

The Young Savers Club at Ysgol Trefonnen Church in Wales Primary School in LLandrindod Wells, available to all pupils at the school, is now open for the Autumn term. New members welcome.

Click for more information


Curry and Quiz Evening at Herb Garden Café

Hosted by Red Kite Credit Union
Friday 6th October, 7 pm for 7.30.
£12 Tickets from Herb Garden Café in advance.

Safe Savings

Your savings are safe with Red Kite Credit Union as they are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Click for more information on savings

FSCS Protecting your money

Easy Loans

Loans from small amounts up to £7,500 with Red Kite Credit Union are easy to repay with no hidden charges and flexible arrangements.

Click for more information on loans


Red Kite Credit Union is working in parnership with the other Powys credit unions to promote a wider takeup of the benefits of Credit union membership throughout Powys
and enable the people of Powys to

Say <span>NO</span> to Debt Row

Red Kite Credit Union also works with Robert Owen Community Banking Fund in connection with their schemes for low or zero interest loans for Renewable Energy installations and Home Improvements. Click for further information

Our mantra for you

Save regularly, borrow wisely, repay easily
Avoid the sharks
Fly high with Red Kite
Savings and Loans

Our own mantra

We like and try to apply this quote from Mother Teresa:
«Let no-one ever come to you without leaving better and happier»